09 Jun

I have several places I post various things regarding my writing.  I noticed that many people were viewing pieces that spoke of hurt or loss.

Today, I just want to remind you that no matter what you are loved, custom made, and have enormous purpose.  Whatever you may be feeling it's time to reach to the sky and grab hold of the Son (Jesus).  He is ready, willing, and able to hold you, comfort you, and impart His grace and goodness upon you. 

I have had many seasons of loss, hurt, betrayal, and things that I never, ever, thought would happen.  Each time hurt was there, I found the provision of grace (unmerited favor), that got me through. His word brings life, restoration, healing, and strength to anything you may be going through. 

Take the time to hand over all your baggage, all negativity, hurt, and pain......unforgiveness, betrayal, loss, and any bad memory or issue that's holding you down in bondage like a ball and chain. Whatever may have happened or is currently happening it is not what defines you, your worth, your success, or your future.

Take a moment to confess positive affirmations and bless yourself first with forgiveness, and be kind to the amazing  Y-O-U, you are....... and love yourself!

Confess some goodness over yourself!

(these are paraphrased confessions, please see scripture references for exact wording, these are just a few to jump start you with inspiration)

  1. " I am an amazing individual because I am custom made" (see Psalm 139:14)
  2. "I am precious and every tear is counted and kept by Father God" (see Psalm 56:8)
  3. "No matter what, I am rising up with His strength and soaring like an eagle" (see Isaiah 40:31)
  4. "I am written on the palm of His hand, I am cherished, and worthy of greatness" (see Isaiah 49:16)
  5. "Today, I will forgive anyone who has hurt me, and anything from my past that tries to haunt me" (see Ephesians 4:31, 32)
  6. "I will use my gifts from the Father that He has placed within me to better myself, make Father God smile, and bless others" (see Proverbs 11:25, Ephesians 4:32)

(the above video was retrieved from Youtube and is not my own)

Be joyful! Sending you my prayers and hugs,


June 2023

Georgieanna is a writer and poet who loves the opportunity to build others up and motivate them to be all they can be, see their uniqueness, and embrace their gifts from within. 

She resides in Northeast Texas with her family who loves to woodwork and enjoys the simple things life has to offer.

*all sentiments, writings and opinions are Georgieanna's and are prohibited from being reproduced, copied, or used in any fashion.